'270 doctors’ called out Joe Rogan about Dr. Malone Interview
Dr. Malone chuckles at this effort to suppress Free Speech, and it turns out the authors of the letter and the vast majority of its signatories are not medical doctors.
The mass formation media pushes the 270 number without context to its mass formed audience who view that as a significant number. It’s truly insignificant except in the minds of those who do not think form themselves.
As Dr. Malone notes:
So, when it makes headline news that less than 300 physicians have signed a letter that went to Spotify, that the podcast that I did with Joe Rogan should be removed from Spotify, I can only chuckle… After all, it has only been viewed around 50 million times and to their 300, I raise them 16,000.
Only around 100 of the 270 have qualified medical degrees
Jordan Schachtel covers this very well:
Well, I reviewed this open letter, and it turns out that only around 100 of the 270+ signatories to the letter are people with qualified medical degrees. And a large chunk of that 100 or so medical doctors are MDs employed at universities who are not in fact practitioners of medicine.
Notably, there is no information on who or what group is behind the creation and circulation of the open letter. Rivera, the reported lead author of the letter, is associated with the far-left Rockefeller Foundation and The Atlantic, and she is a CNN contributor.
And of course, this should be readily countered with other various organizations representing the 10’s of thousands of doctors throughout the world who have signed declarations calling out medical malfeasance.
The Rome Declaration
Declaration from the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists.
16,000 physicians and medical scientists recently published the Rome Covid Declaration, to alert citizens to the deadly consequences of disrupting life-saving treatment and suppressing open scientific discussion.
Great Barrington Declaration
As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.
916,000+ signatures
It’s time for doctors who are controlled and suppressed to feel empowered to speak truth. According the New England Journal of Medicine, there are 9.2 million doctors in the world. They can’t all be silenced if they stand together, and we stand with them.
Speak Freely
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