Social Credit System
Dr. Malone: The 'Pandemic' Is Associated With a Desire to Establish a Social Credit System
In terms of the bigger picture of why - it’s really hard to make sense out of what’s going on in the Canadian government, now the European Union has a new bill forward mandating vaccines and QR codes and tracking.
It’s going to be in perpetuity for coronavirus. This is an RNA virus, same as influenza.
This makes no sense at all unless it is part of a broader agenda that isn’t about public health. And I think a strong case could be made that this is actually associated with the desire to establish a social credit system.
Here’s how this works. In a normal situation in a western democracy they cannot suspend their constitutions and they have strong protections for privacy for individuals.
They cannot deploy the social credit system and this digital tracking system that they wish to have deployed for a variety of reasons. And now we see with what happened in Canada with the weaponization of the banking system where that leads.
This seems to be the agenda. It is the only agenda that I can make sense of out of the data web. Because this obsession with vaccinating all down to tiny children makes no sense biologically. It is not justified.
Here in the United States, we’ve have had the president now, just the same as happened in Trudeau’s Canada, enact the Emergency Declaration again, so he’s activated this for the next 90 days, and that functionally allows him to suspend the Constitution and fundamental Constitutional Rights.
I stand as the president of the International Association Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists. We are over 17,000 physicians and medical scientists. You can find our website at, and we have a clear unequivocal declaration: there is no medical emergency.
The medical emergency, to the extent it ever existed, is long since over. There is absolutely no justification for these emergency declarations. They must stop. We are in complete alliance with the truckers on this point.
17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Declare “COVID National Emergency Over” and Call on Congress to Restore Constitutional Democracy by Ending Emergency Powers